The life and times of Darren, Tisha, Ben and Laurel Witt.

Monday, November 26, 2007

BEN IS 4!!

SH101359, originally uploaded by tishdar.

And here is the cake to prove it. (Because without cake, there is no proof)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Currently listening to....



Mommy, you're WRONG!

And infinite variations of the above. Because wrong = not being able to read Ben's mind to the point of knowing EXACTLY how much milk he wanted in his glass. (As in: "Mommy, you were wrong, I only wanted a little bit of milk" OR "Mommy, you were wrong, I wanted one more mouthfull of milk than this")

Sure glad the girl can't talk yet (though the crawling is so, so, so close - she's making good distance and time now, but still backwards)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Looking forward to 2010...

...and not because we're big fans of the Olympics...

So far, there have been few similiarites between Ben and Laurel. Personality-wise, they are both pretty happy kids (thanking my lucky stars that I escaped colic. I don't think I would have handled colic well at all). But in everything else, they are really different - sleeping, eating, being - different. (Which briefly sidetracks me to say one of the best things about having a second kid is that while it turns out that everything that you thought you did great with #1 was really just the way #1 was, this also means that everything that you thought maybe you did wrong and screwed him up forever was also just the way #1 was)

ramble, ramble, I know. This brings me to the point of this post.

We've found another similiarity, and it is teething.

Turns out the genetics are strong in this family for rough teething experiences. Laurel popped tooth #1 right at 7 months, which is exactly when Ben got his first tooth. Sleep has been crummy since a couple of weeks before that, and has not gotten better, and there's still no sign of tooth #2.

teeny tiny tooth

So, by Ben's schedule, I can look forward to once again sleeping through the night in January 2010.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Friday, November 09, 2007


UP!, originally uploaded by tishdar.

Laurel discoverd a new direction this week.

Hopefully it will stall her "Learn to Crawl" program by a couple more weeks...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Dinner Time...

runrunrun, originally uploaded by tishdar.

A good time to do laps around your younger sister's feeding station. And do your best to NOT be photographed.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

At the 4th Annual Pumpkin Toss (Darren's first post)

Pumpkin toss 07 (22), originally uploaded by tishdar.

... has to be a picture that Tisha would never herself post.

blurry baby

blurry baby, originally uploaded by tishdar.

Darren and Laurel at Thanksgiving dinner.

Not sure which is better - the blurriness of Laurel or the (apparent) complete inattention of Darren.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

One reason why I haven't updated lately...

Expert, originally uploaded by tishdar.

It's hard when you have to share resources!

(Now, if I could just teach him to type accurately....)

We are gaming geeks!

Also, Darren is a Comic Geek!