The life and times of Darren, Tisha, Ben and Laurel Witt.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Baby Tricks

Laurel is 12 weeks old this weekend, so in celebration, here is a list of what she is currently up to...

(Warning: this post is about babies and their cuteness. In particular, the cuteness of OUR baby. If you are not into babies, you might want to check back in next week, when I'm planning to go on and on about our garden instead. There is a brief bit about Ben at the end of the post, but it's about the cuteness of him.)

So far, Laurel can:
  • Stick out her tongue (she's been doing this for a while now, but it's still cute)
  • Get us to stick out our tongues by sticking out her tongue (she's always quite pleased when this works)
  • Chirp for attention, then awards us with big smiles
  • Blow bubbles
  • Blow raspberries
  • Grab with her hands - toys, fingers, hair
got my hands....
She is currently working on:
  • Smacking her lips
  • Fake coughing
  • Sitting up (she's getting increasingly unimpressed with prone positions)
  • Standing up (again, lying down is for chumps)
  • Thumbsucking (she hasn't poked herself in the eye yet, but has gagged several times when she jammed all of her fingers down her throat)
looking for that thumb
That's about all for now. All in all, she's a smiley, happy baby who loves cuddles, attention, and watching her big brother zoom around.

As for Ben, he's loving his little sister (sometimes a bit too much), he's very into insects and gardening and construction vehicles (often all at once) and last night got up in the middle of the night, used the toilet by himself, and went back to bed in his own bed.

Construction in the garden
Big Brudder and his Litl Sweetie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everything is going swimmingly in your new digs. Its hard to believe that right now we aren't trying to finish marking, writing report cards and cleaning out classrooms. It sounds like Ben is making a great big brother. TTFN, Cara and Oscar.

We are gaming geeks!

Also, Darren is a Comic Geek!